Wednesday, November 17, 2010


     School has been really great, although I have been suffering a bit without my morning coffee! Today, I decided to attempt to get Starbucks. I took the bus to downtown Kingston, two stops past where I get off for school, got my coffee (which is a whole other story), and made it back to the bus stop with plenty of time to get back to school...except the bus never came! I finally decided to take a chance and hop on the K2, which eventually led to the same place. Needless to say, I think I'm just going to have to learn to like tea.

I am amazed at the progress of these students; the more time I spend in the school, the more I wonder what makes it so different that these children can be so much further ahead? In assembly this morning, I saw a Year 2 (first grade) student do blew my mind!

     Now, on to something more exciting. After school and a 30 minute journey back to the lodge, Kensie, Andrea and I caught the bus, then the train, then the tube into London to see Wicked!

It was pretty awesome. 

On the train back to Surbiton, just after pulling out of Waterloo Station, the conductor made an announcement "if anyone in the medical profession is on board this train, immediate assistance is needed in car 7". Coincidentally, we were in car 7. On the other side of the glass that separated the car, we heard the most absurd noises for the majority of the journey; we came to the conclusion that the woman was either having a baby in the middle of the train or just a severe panic attack.

Well, I've got to get to bed so that I can get up and make sure I'm dressed sensibly (that's one of their favorite words) for the big inspection tomorrow. We also have a French lesson Thursday mornings which I'm super excited about :) Cheers!

P.S. Mom, thanks for saving the day and booking the flights to Paris/ Barcelona!

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